Undersøgende Performance 3

Investigative Performance 3  2019

Photography 21 x 14,8 cm and hand written text 29,5 x 21 cm

Edition 5

Hand written text in english on request


Undersøgende Performance 3

hvor jeg tager en middagslur på 30 minutter, mens jeg sover, vil jeg i drømme prøve at tænke over om der er mulighed for at verden bliver et bedre sted at bo. Jeg faldt straks i dyb søvn og drømte intet, så jeg har intet svar på spørgsmålet. Her i morges vågnede jeg så tidligt, fordi jeg havde drømt, at jeg kunne snyde og sige, at jeg havde drømt, at svaret var en pose fuld med øjne.


Investigative Performance III

where I take a 30-minute nap; while I sleep, in my dreams I will try to think about whether there is a chance that the world will become a better place to live. I immediately fell into a deep sleep and had no dreams at all, so I have no answer to the question. This morning I woke up very early because I had dreamed that I could cheat and say that I dreamed the answer was a bag full of eyes.



1.500,00 kr.


Investigative Performance 3  2019

Photography 21 x 14,8 cm and hand written text 29,5 x 21 cm

Edition 5

Hand written text in english on request


Undersøgende Performance 3

hvor jeg tager en middagslur på 30 minutter, mens jeg sover, vil jeg i drømme prøve at tænke over om der er mulighed for at verden bliver et bedre sted at bo. Jeg faldt straks i dyb søvn og drømte intet, så jeg har intet svar på spørgsmålet. Her i morges vågnede jeg så tidligt, fordi jeg havde drømt, at jeg kunne snyde og sige, at jeg havde drømt, at svaret var en pose fuld med øjne.


Investigative Performance III

where I take a 30-minute nap; while I sleep, in my dreams I will try to think about whether there is a chance that the world will become a better place to live. I immediately fell into a deep sleep and had no dreams at all, so I have no answer to the question. This morning I woke up very early because I had dreamed that I could cheat and say that I dreamed the answer was a bag full of eyes.



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